Minggu, 10 November 2013

My best friends

you know it is my besd friend in the school. they are "JICYRITY". Riajeng has short hair, she is next to me. next, there puji. she is wear hijab. and next puji there nancy. she is wear glasses. hihiihi cute girls :*

Jumat, 08 November 2013


hi nice to meet you again stranger :). okay now i want to introsuce about my best friend in my school. they are Nancy Indah Yanti, Puji Septiyani and Riajeng Risalatul Khalifah. firstly i want to introduce about Nancy. she is beautiful girl. she make glasses. she have white skin. and i am very like if she care to me she always hear and support me if i have problem in my life. secondly, i want to introduce about Puji. she is famous girl :D. she has many fans wkwkwk yeah i know that because she is often mutually boyfriend. she has spesial tricks that make many boy like her. and lastly i want to introduce about Ajeng. she is sweet girl. she has tall body and she is calm girl. she can waiting boy her like until now. i love all my best friend. they can make me fulllaugh if time we together. love you so much JICYRITY :* ({})

my september 2nd

i want to sharing about my love story. in september 2nd 2012 i have boyfriend. you can call his "calm" :D. i call him like it because he is always say "calm" if i talking with him :D. he is grade XII in his school. i know him because my friend. you know he is often give me something, like a small doll, pencil case, rose, and jersey. yeahh he is romantic boy. i am happy have relationship with him but in 4th month i feel he is over to me. and lastly i end our relationship in 4th months. in there a lot of moment with him. if i hear song by secondhand serenade - you and i, i will flashback. and until now i still save his video and all thing from him. thank you for make me happy and my day full colour MR.CALM ;)